The Dominion Players

Samuel Carr & Robyn Carr

Samuel currently teaches drama at Faith Christian School in Lafayette.  He studied for five seasons with the MasterWorks Festivals, performing in Our Town, Cyrano de Bergerac, Much Ado About Nothing, and more. He interned in stage management at Theatrical Outfit in Atlanta, GA for Dividing the Estate, and has stage managed and directed for Christus Homines Drama Troupe in Lafayette.  Samuel’s film credits include In His Steps: The MovieFrom Ashes, and To Run And Hyde.  This year’s Reformation Day Festival show is the fourth original play Samuel has authored and directed especially for this event.

Robyn has been involved in various theatre productions since high school.  She has directed with a local home school high school drama club, and she toured in NYC with the MasterWorks theatre production of Twelve Angry Jurors.  Her favorite shows include The Pirates of Penzance, Magic by G.K. Chesterton, Penny and the Magic Medallion, Peter Pan, and an annual street drama production of A Christmas Carol.  Samuel and Robyn married in October, 2016, and welcomed baby Ambrose in August, 2017.


_MG_0002Hannah Smith

Hannah Smith has loved acting since she was very little, resulting in a variety of classic roles, her most recognizable being Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice.  Recently, she has been getting more involved in the production side of theater and film.  She is a co-creator of Novel Productions, where she as frequently taken on writing and directing of web series episodes, one of which being an adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde– entitled To Run and Hyde.  Hannah recently moved to Peoria, Illinois, but still tries to keep the roots she has grown by continuing to participate in the drama groups that have become a second family.

She has been involved with the Dominion Players since 2012 and returns this year as Katherine von Bora-Luther.



Emma Todd

Emma Todd is a recent high school graduate, currently residing in Winamac, Indiana. She makes her debut with the Dominion Players this year. Most of her previous performance experience has been with small, local homeschool and church drama groups, playing parts like Hopeful in an abridged production of Pilgrim’s Progress, and dancing the role of The Dying Swan in the short ballet Carnival of the Animals.  In March, she got to fulfill a dream of hers by performing the title role in a production of Peter Pan with Christus Homines Drama Troupe in Lafayette, Indiana — a troupe which she is excited to be returning to this year as a mentor for the student actors!